Volunteer Opportunities
Smiles needed--
Our Sunday morning greeters perform the simple, yet vital task of welcoming our congregation and visitors to church each Sunday. All that is required is a smile, a welcoming spirit and a willingness to serve Christ and our church family.
As a greeter, you will play an essential role in making worshipers feel welcome in our church. You are the first person to greet any person who comes to our church. If you would like to help, please contact Margaret Johnson for more details.
Serve in our 9:30 am Worship.
Both men and women can serve as ushers and all are ages are welcome to serve in this important role.
Ushers duties also include helping provide additional seating if the worship space is too full, and they help collect the offertory. We’d appreciate it!!
Please contact the church office, 714.528-1482.
Cleanup Fellowship Hour
During the year coffee and donuts are available at 8:45am and 10:30am in our Fellowship Hall. This is a time of fellowship for members and visitors. We are in need of volunteers who would be willing to make the coffee, set-up the table with the donuts, coffee cups and to clean-up after the fellowship hour.
If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Sue Lacko.
Children’s Ministry:
Our Children’s Ministry offers many unique ways to get involved and love on our kids! Jesus placed such an important emphasis on children. He said, “let the children come to me”, which is always a reminder of the essential need to minister to kids. Please consider the ways in which you can join our Children’s Ministry.
Sunday School Teachers
Nursery Volunteers
This is a great ministry opportunity for people with good reading skills who can project their voice and speak clearly. A worship liturgist leads the scripture reading during Sunday worship. Please contact Sue Lacko for more details.
Worship AV/Tech Team
Do you have a talent with technology? If so, you should join this team! This team is responsible for running the sound board, the slide show and recording the sermons.Training is provided! To volunteer or get more information, please contact the church office at 714. 528.1483.
​Music Ministries:
For those that are musically inclined and talented, we offer a verity of music ministries. Please contact our Music Director, Laurie Cobb at musicdirector@placentiaumc.org
Hand Bell & Chime Choirs:
The bell and chime choir perform monthly. The Bells practice every Thursday at 6:30pm.
Chancel Choir:
The Chancel Choir sets the mood for our 9:30 a.m. worship service (Traditional) by providing beautiful, appropriate music that not only enhances the worship experience, but is an integral part of worship itself. The choir practices every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Please come and join us any time.